This new lesson shows an easy way to wire wrap a top/side drilled stone. I’ve used this for claw shaped stones, crystal points, even the rectangular “stick” beads you can find at many craft stores and it works great for all of them. You just need to make sure the hole on the stone is large enough to fit 18g wire through it.
Tools and supplies:
Top drilled stone with hole going side to side that is large enough to fit 18g wire.
18g wire (round, dead soft)
28g wire (round, dead soft)
flush cutters
round nose pliers
flat nose pliers
chain nose pliers (AKA needle nose pliers)
5-6mm mandrel (or bail making pliers, or other cylindrical object that is 5-6 mm in diameter
In the video I teach a simple swirl design for the front of the stone. However, there is no end to the way you can modify this front piece. In the photos below I show a couple pieces with a leaf motif, and one with snake-like curves.

See more of my videos at the GailaviraJewelryWJT YouTube channel.
You can find my free wire wrap PDF tutorials by clicking here.